Lost Love Poetry Biography
Short Lost love Poems. These are the most popular short poems on or about Lost love by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for Lost love short poems by poem length and keyword.
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Short Lost Love poem by Cynthia Alvez| Details |
Flying High
shimmering in sky
solitary black bird wings
singing of lost love
March 25, 2009
Short Lost Love poem by binibining p.iNk| Details |
nights gone by and still,
Luna laments her lost love...
tearful ocean born
**Written for Raul's Reflections contest :)
Short Lost Love poem by kurtis scott aka curtis futch jr| Details |
you seen lost
your the boss
your lifes toss
mabe lost love ort weath
for your health
do for you too
noone elS
Short Lost Love poem by Sneha Agarwal| Details |
"Sanctuary" redescribed
Humanity lost sound
Humans need sanctuary around
Need not cut forests
It will soon be the destined ground
For the lost love hath hatred found
Short Lost Love poem by Andrew Crisci| Details |
Smoky skies,
red flames...war increased
Scarlet's dire.
invoking faint hope
with much pain.
Was it peace...
abundant harvest,
or lost love?
Short Lost Love poem by Rosanne Sbrigata| Details |
Swans crowd the lake
scattering their white feathers
like lost love songs;
like my love song,
lost upon the
downstream drift.
Short Lost Love poem by ANDREA TRAVIS| Details |
A Pulling In
A pulling in of all that's gone
I look for footsteps
Lost love and fear
Crying out to hear that song
Glittering in dark depths
So much pain and fear .
Short Lost Love poem by Jeralynn Clark| Details |
Do Not Speak
How well I know
your silence
it screams
a thousand words.
I want to hear
but know
in my heart.
Unspoken words
Of lost Love.
Jeralynn Clark
Short Lost Love poem by darleen bilyeu| Details |
blue rose
Blue roses for reasons,
Blue is for my long lost love
For the tears i shed
Blue is for a broken heart
Still trying to mend
Blue not black
A symbol that I will live again
Short Lost Love poem by Sharon Alsop| Details |
Lost Love
In the shadows of my mind
The intricate workings I find
Scattered memories left behind
A heart scarred where signed
In a time the world was kind
Lost love lingers in my mind
Short Lost Love poem by Babatunde T Ogunsiku| Details |
Love is divine
Making good
The wicked
Love is Pure
Pointing the way
For the lost
Love is Caring
Raising up
The fallen
Replicating itself
In the lives
Of others
Through those
That TRULY have it.
Short Lost Love poem by Liza Britton| Details |
There are no more questions
Her quivering heart is done,
With the lies and inevitable pain.
Her mind is clear of lost love
And memories. For the first time
In a long time she can breathe again.
Short Lost Love poem by Leila Hadi| Details |
Love Lost
Once you've lost love,
loving is never the same thereafter.
You'll cherish more your laughter,
you'll think differently when you see a man,
his looks will go through you like a bullet through your heart.
Short Lost Love poem by cecil hickman| Details |
Lost Walk
Moonlit night of my lost love
Fullness raptures my hearts soul
Darkness falls behind me deep
Endlessly I walk.
written for
Sponsor Tracie ~*~ Indigo Dream Weaver
Contest Name Dodoitsu Darkness
Short Lost Love poem by ijaz ahmad| Details |
Find (1)
As air (2)
Round the earth (3)
Here there,and everywhere (4)
As long as i could, (5)
Tried to find my lost love (6)
Short Lost Love poem by Ali Matheny| Details |
Lost Love
I wanted you now and forever
But you're just like a lever
Up and down is how we are
You annoy me no matter how far
The things you said and didn't
And the feelings I hid
This lost love
Is worse than anything above
Short Lost Love poem by Nicole Hawkins| Details |
A New Day
Our lost love's ghost still lingers
As I try to start anew
I ask an anonymous God with templed fingers
for strength to get me through
I know what I must do
By: Nicole Hawkins
written for "God, Ghost, and Love"
Short Lost Love poem by Rocky Swartzfager| Details |
such a
gift that so
many decide
to throw away, like
a common peice of trash.
I wish to never litter.
As your life, to me, is precious.
Please stay by me as the world turns to
a large landfill of lost lives and lost love.
Short Lost Love poem by Amanda Mae Hammons| Details |
I found my love!!!
I found my love in a light where i was lost he took me by the hand and we shared the love
for a while. Then we gave each other a kiss and told each that i found my long lost love that
we been looking for all our love lives.
Short Lost Love poem by jezabella singe| Details |
anti-v day
love is dead,
and come undone,
people steal hearts,
just for fun,
rip them out,
and let them bleed,
no more tears,
there is no need,
for a day,
to sit and cry,
for the lost love,
we all let die.
happy valentines day. bwahahahahaha
Short Lost Love poem by Stephen Petluk gentle fury| Details |
Confessions of a Recovered Romantic III
I used to bare my soul
a sacrifice, with a goal
to witness her bare herself in all her curvaceous glory
Now when I bare my soul
a sacrifice, no longer whole
it is to bear witness to lost love, a no longer facetious story
Short Lost Love poem by Vandy Saylors| Details |
Suffocating in solitude
Drowning in dark despair
Languishing longingly in lost love
Forever in fear of fallings fatal flaws
Bent, broken, battered and bruised
Tired of timid trepidation
Complacent and content
Short Lost Love poem by Gregory Golden| Details |
The Peregrine Eyes of The Lighthouse
we barely speak
two ships sail in the night
lost love without light
we shall not meet
unless we see
the beacon shine at night
in both hearts our ships sail
towards fresh moonlight
that pass the test
the peregrine eyes of
the lighthouse
Short Lost Love poem by Paul Curtis| Details |
There is a ghost in my house
That haunts my every waking moment
And infiltrates my dreams
A ghost that taunts and torments
The ghost in my house is you
I am haunted by the memory of you
It is the ghost of our lost love
And I am tormented because I let you go
Short Lost Love poem by Timothy Brumley| Details |
Tears shed from lost love
Flood the inlets to our hearts...
Creating islands.
Timothy I. Brumley
Short Lost Love poem by 38 Tango| Details |
Heart Ache
So much heart ache so much pain,
waiting for my lost love,
to call my name.
Sometimes I see your face,
even though I'm fast asleep,
my heart, it begins to race.
With arms outstretched, I reach for you,
but always you just drift away,
until you disappear from view.
Short Lost Love poem by Douglas Dunigan| Details |
We as a people
Beings of this Earth
Live everyday panic
Sadness and sometimes
Even worse
Lost love forever
Destinies clash
Moons be gone
Into a dream I seep
Liquid like soul
Some can feel everything
In and out of black holes
Tears fall
As they have always done
Into our universe
You and I
Short Lost Love poem by Nigel Fox| Details |
On Entering Heaven
Welcomed around me the half dead in lost love writhing in ecstasy
I myself now in the place of the past of dreams devoid of such chastity
Well met seeing my lost love beautiful with chestnut eyes and soft such curved hips
In dreams devoid of vanity I will and now just serve myself so handsomely
Short Lost Love poem by Nigel Fox| Details |
Love - Rubaiyat
Welcomed around me the half dead in lost love writhing in ecstasy
I myself now in the place of the past of dreams devoid of such chastity
Well met seeing my lost love beautiful with chestnut eyes and soft such curved hips
In dreams devoid of vanity I will and now just serve myself so handsomely
Short Lost Love poem by Edmond Ornelas| Details |
Just words
Its funny what a man will cry for
Love,joy,death and sarrow
Maybe A lost memory;Lost love
Ha even a sad movie
Things we should have done
Things we should have said
Chances we didnt take
Dreams never full filled
Unseen for he hides his tears
In the darkness or in the falling rain
Believe me for I know
Short Lost Love poem by binibining p.iNk| Details |
A wandering soul by the river bed—
strong hands dipping in the water
mulling over its fluidity
A broken soul down the river bend—
fragile hands trailing cold water
pondering the fluidity of lost love
Water and love, must be the same thing
Ever changing, unknowing
Feb. 20. 2009 :)
Short Lost Love poem by Jordan Lynch| Details |
Sadness fills me up inside,
Hurts so bad, I just want to hide,
A never-ending void of pain,
I wish this all were just a silly game,
I feel within me the feeling of woe,
The feeling of a lost love, once friend, now foe,
Maybe one day, I'll be all right,
But so far this day's been out of sight.
Short Lost Love poem by Cheyenne Nienhueser| Details |
Vampires cry for lost love
He cries blood rubies,
For his lost love.
While she cries saphires for him,
in the heavens above.
He can't see her,
but she can see him.
But still he tries to win,
the fight of death.
But with deaththere is
still life in between.
Vampires only love once,
yet still he cries for his lost love.
Short Lost Love poem by James Foulk| Details |
Seasons Of The Heart
Spring over flows
your heart with love,
summer holds joy,
of first love,
you held so dear.
Fall brought new,
memories and friends,
you loved so well,
gone some where in time.
Winter now empty,
only broken dreams,
of lost love you
once thought would
last forever.
wrote 8-8-07
Short Lost Love poem by Chile D'rhymez| Details |
Trying Not To Love You
I'm trying not to love you
Trying not to need you
I'm really trying to start hating you
Even that doesn't seem to make sense
How else can i show my deepest grief
Its tearing me apart
Standing in the balcony
Staring at the days gone by
kicking against walls and against the bricks
To a lost love
A lost dream.
Short Lost Love poem by Earl Schumacker| Details |
Lost Love
Lost Love
I’ll slip back one morning
Long in the thought of you
Precious past in tow
Remember I was here
I’ll fall in what was love
Again I’ll hold you
In my heart of hearts
A long way off now
And drop you in a tear
Years in production
To what ends
Or for another
Short Lost Love poem by Kylah Council| Details |
Red Rose
Red Rose
Given when in love
Maybe even as a symbol of love
But is love what a single rose mean?
Could that read be a terrifing image
Of your lost love?
An image of blood from the
sharp blade of depression?
Red Rose Red rose
It may force you to see what it wants
But you
You paint the story behind your rose
Short Lost Love poem by Emily Schaffer| Details |
An Empty Soul
A black night, a silver moon,
A sense of danger, a feeling of doom.
A pool of water, a reflection,
A mirror, a painful recollection.
A white gown, a dark cloak,
A forest, a dimly lit smoke.
A pale face, a far-away look,
A lost love, a world that was shook.
An empty soul, an empty mind,
Another love, she'll never find.
Short Lost Love poem by SHERRY WATSON| Details |
A silent goodbye
no more games
no more tears
just lonely nights
words unsaid
no fears
just unexplaines answers
what happen
who can answer
who will tell the truth
who will admit the heartbreak
I know you feel me near
I feel you to
but who did this to us
can you answer
or is it just another
lost love affair
Short Lost Love poem by Nigel Fox| Details |
Dorothy on her Deathbed
The artist in me myself instinctively tracing
work a share miseries to inspiration making
Shrouded within my cocoon of slashing brush strokes
lost lovely my Dorothy gently softly releases her yokes
Watching graduations of deaths cold colours on her lovely face
ship me lost anchor my heart lost love no longer in her embrace
Short Lost Love poem by linda goldsmith| Details |
a love from long ago
music flowing to a distant shore
music of love
from long ago memories
twas long ago
passing beyond
balance held within
a time of perfection
oh! where did the lost love go?
did it depart to a distant time?
left to be brought to shore
by a passing stranger
somewhere in the near future
oh, music, flowing from long ago
Short Lost Love poem by Nestor Sanabria| Details |
Broken heart
It drips red
like the gel from this ink pen
my heart it drips red
ever since the day you left it behind
that broken heart
that is taped back together
drips red
lost love that causes this heart to shatter
words that were said don't matter
no matter what?
what was the word we said?
always but never
It drips red
Short Lost Love poem by Daljit Khankhana| Details |
Never Comes Back
A day will come back,
A week will come back,
A year will come back,
But a passing life,
Never comes back.
A morning comes back,
An evening comes back,
A season comes back,
But fallen leaves,
Never comes back.
Memory comes back,
Bad incident reminds back,
Ill treatment hurts back,
But a lost love,
Never comes back.
Short Lost Love poem by Lord Addo-Yobo| Details |
Love lost,Love found
I was not good enough,
Love's course was rough,
Living each day was tough,
So she went her path,
Truly I was lonely,
Hoping someone found me,
But there came another,
Who made me a brother,
Love was like no other,
As we saw much farther,
See,here comes the former,
Degrading the latter,
Replying her letter,
Once love lost,now love found,
Short Lost Love poem by Nigel Fox| Details |
Dorothy on her Deathbed
The artist in me myself instinctively tracing
work a share miseries to inspiration making
Shrouded within my cocoon of slashing brush strokes
lost lovely my Dorothy gently softly releases her yokes
A watch seeing graduations of deaths cold colours on her lovely face
ship me lost my anchor my heart lost love no longer in her embrace
Short Lost Love poem by Earl Schumacker| Details |
Lost Love 2
Lost Love 2
I’ll slip back one day
Precious past and fear
Wrapped in thoughts of you
As dawn draws near
I’ll fall in what was love
Again I’ll hold you
In my heart of hearts above
A long way down now
Drop you in a tear
I've held for years
And wonder how
What was then was never meant to be
And what is now
To what always was
Lost love
Short Lost Love poem by HGarvey Daniel Esquire| Details |
Hurting LOVE : Finds Healing LOVE
Love is Healing
Lost LOVE hurts
Love Appealing
When She flirts
Love : Never seeing
Lost LOVE’S Pain
Love always being
As Gentle rain
Lost LOVE’S Tears
Will Always fall
While waiting Years
For Kingdom’s Call
Lost LOVE entwine
With LOVE Divine
My healing LOVE
With God Above
Inspired By john Heck's Contest " LOVE - It Heals & Hurts "
Short Lost Love poem by JACOB SARFO| Details |
Lost But Found Love
A kite flying against the tides His heart is
A lost love in the hands of His lover
He cries, He sobs, a lost but found love
Her heart is won by another
A sin to heart, and a cheat to dream
He thinks, He Knocks, a lost but found love
In a wonder He stares at His love
A found gold in its hidden ore
He Hugs, He kiss welcome, a lost but found love
Short Lost Love poem by javier malave| Details |
In The....
In the desolate place of my mind dwells
the thoughts of a lost love.
In the vast desert of my soul
grows a pain fed by hurt.
In the emptiness of my heart lives
a sorrow of past deceptions.
In the halls of my mind, heart and soul
lives the real person I do not wish to know.
For pain, hurt and deception is all it knows
Short Lost Love poem by charmaine pennon| Details |
never be the same
Shattered heart,
filled with pain,
can't get back the lost love,
too far away.
In the far distance,
I thought I saw a familiar face,
I thought you were back again,
my heart was about to race,
gone too soon,
that is what comes to mind
when I think about you.
Shattered heart,
filled with pain,
you wont come back,
I will never be the same.
Lost Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Lost Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Lost Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Lost Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Lost Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Lost Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Lost Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Lost Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Lost Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Lost Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Lost Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
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