Good Love Poetry Biography
Kind, friendly, good-hearted, helpful
Son of a funny father
Lover of reading, games, and building
Who feels joy, happiness, and playful
Who would like to see Canada, Egypt and California
Michael G.
Happy, funny, sad, friendly
Son of a strong father
Lover of baseball, reading, and roller skating
Who feels happiness, love, and joy
Who fears nightmares, guns, and spelling tests.
Who would like to see the Great Wall of China, the Statue of Liberty,
And Hawaii.
Kind-hearted, friendly, helpful
Son of a strong father
Lover of skateboarding, school, and roller coasters
Who feels playful, joy, and excitement
Who fears fire, nightmares, and guns
Who would like to see the Great Wall of China,
the Bahamas, and Hawaii
Lacrosse Player
Singer, happy, friendly, lonely
Daughter of a selling father
Lover of drawing, games, and books
Who feels sadness, love, and joy.
Who fears fire, movies, and smoke
Who would like to see dolphins, mermaids, and Hawaii
Michael D.
Delightful nice, silly, happy
Son of a funny father
Lover of drawing, reading, and writing
Who feels joy, optimististic, and greatful
Who fears nightmares, guns, and fire
Who would like to see grandma, and grandpa, Pennsylvania, and
The Statue of Liberty
Happy, funny, talented, caring
Son of a strong dad
Lover of skateboarding, sledding, and climbing trees
Who feels joy, happiness, and love
Who fears guns, airplanes and fire
Who would like to see Hawaii, the Bahamas, and Six Flags
Baseball Player
Caring, happy, good-hearted, talented
Son of a loving mother
Lover of learning, reading, and writing
Who feels loving, empathy, and helpful
Who fears fires, full moons, and tornadoes
Who would like to see the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty,
And the Sphinx.
Kimberly C.
Helpful, talented, good-hearted, and funny
Daughter of a helpful mother
Lover of swimming, drawing and animals
Who feels empathy, optimistic and joy
Who fears guns, knives, and scary kids
Who would like to see Hawaii, Bahamas, and
Mrs. Stein’s house.
Funny, talented, mad, silly
Son of a loving father
Lover of dogs, animals, and babies
Who feels joy, happiness, and playful
Who fears strangers, nightmares, and spelling tests
Who would like to see the Bronx Zoo, New York, and Disney World
Football Player
Helpful, funny, mad, friendly
Son of a strong father
Lover of drawing, rap music, and fishing
Who feels excited, pessimistic, and angry
Who fears tarantulas, demons, and nightmares, fires
Who would like to see the Sphinx in Egypt, The Great Wall in China, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy
Caring, happy, funny, friendly
Son of a good hearted father
Lover of drawing of drawing, learning and reading
Who feels joy, happiness, grateful
Who would like to see China, Egypt, and the Sphinx
Kind, caring, happy, friendly
Son of a good hearted father
Lover of roasting marshmallows, video games, and DVD’s
Who feels joy, happiness, and hunger
Who fears guns, knives, and dying.
Who would like to see, Pennsylvania, Statue of Liberty, and Disney World
Dirt Bike Rider
Talented, happy, helpful, friendly
Daughter of a loving mother
Lover of ice skating, animals and school
Who feels optimistic, joy, and playful
Who fears knives, fire guns, and spiders
Who would like to see Hawaii, California, and the Bahamas
Karate Teacher
Helpful, friendly, delightful, silly
Son of a great father
Lover of building, colori9ngk, and writing
Who feels playful, kindness, and love
Who fears darkness, fire and dying
Who would like to see Grandma, China, and Jarrett
Sweet, loving, funny and good hearted
Daughter of a helpful father
Lover of learning, singing, and writing
Who feels joy, goodness, and sadness
Who fears fire, lightning and nightmares
Who would like to see Vermont, Bahamas, and Disney World
Soccer Player
Good hearted, funny, happy, helpful
Daughter of a talented mother.
Lover of drawing, swimming and animals
Who feels joy, love, and playful
Who fears fire, monsters, and guns
Who would like to see the Great Wall Of China
and The Bahamas
Loving, helpful, funny, caring
Daughter of a good hearted mother
Lover of dogs, ice skating and coloring
Who feels joy, angry and goodness
Who fears heights, strangers, and scary movies
Who would like to see the Statue of Liberty, Hawaii, and Disney World
Happy, talented, friendly, good hearted
Daughter of a funny father
Lover of swimming, coloring, and writing
Who feels joy, lonesome and sorrow.
Who fears guns, knives, and nightmares
Who would like to see Disney, Bahamas, and The Statue of Liberty.
Friendly, talented, caring, silly
Daughter of a helping mother
Lover of rock climbing,, ice skating, and drawing
Who feels love, optimistic and goodness
Who fears fire, tornadoes, and war
Who would like to see Vermont, Hawaii, and dolphins
Silly, caring, happy, friendly
Daughter of a talented mother
Lover of drawing, swimming, and school
Who feels joy, goodness, and happiness
Who fears guns, fire and knives
Who would like to see the Great Wall of China, Hawaii
And Disney World
Happy, helpful, good hearted, funny
Son of a beautiful mom
Lover of animals, swimming, and coloring
Who feels kindness, joy and lonesome
Who fears fire, spelling tests, and tornadoes
Who would like to see my dog, Disney World and the Bahamas
Happy, talented, friendly, good hearted
Daughter of a caring mother
Lover of singing, school and writing
Who feels optimistic, empathy and joy
Who will like to see Vermont, Disney World and California
Karate Teacher
Good Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Good Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Good Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Good Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Good Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Good Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Good Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Good Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Good Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Good Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Good Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
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