Dark Love Poetry Biography
Dark Love Poetry of love
Dark Love Poetry of love.
I lose myself in your lies
Since you are gone you took my eyes
Every day I'm a blind man
Because your hand is not in my hand
Your lips were like a edge of knife
With last kiss you stole my life
With last touch you stole my soul
From that moment I started to fall
I fell I fell I fell
Is sad and dark here because I am in hell
In my life is always night
Come give me a hug to end this bad fight
I love you I love you I love
Why can't you love me too?
dark love
in the darkness
i want to kill.
you meant everything to me then
you mean nothing to me now.
in the darkness
i will
then you'll finally be sorry.
it's night
you're bright
that only makes you all the easier
to find.
ha ha ha
and i'm coming hard
he he he
and i'm coming fast
better wrap up your heart
and save it
ha ha ha
like it has a chance to last.
the thought of blood on lambs takes me over
the thought of love on my hands makes me older
holds me closer
and if i get out of control
i can listen to them say
just dose her.
then your dark love
comes on hard
and it comes on fast
replacing the want for murder
but in a swift and aching way
it gives me the cold shoulder.
Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 00:58am (modified 17th April 2013 1:00am)
a woman met a man
who pleased her
more and more
and the more he pleased her
the less passion
he showed
she went to the beauty parlour
and had herself
till she
golden brown
long black hair
hanging down
still Andre seemed less
but what she did not know
is that he only looked
at himself
in the swimming pool below
like narcissus
he was a strange flower
that she only later
would know
so Alison took measures
more severe
more weight she lost
and clothes she bought
with a purpose to endear
no matter what
she did
she did not see
the angel wings
he had
but his were black
and sorrowful
a purpose only to
take you to
where you would never return
and sing sweet songs to you
oh he mourned the passing
of each and every love
but each and every catching
took away
another lover
the lover, my lover
was the angel of death
a lover like no other
who you learn to respect
for harsh lessons he metes out
and if you do not obey
well, in the end
he takes you anyway.
Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 1:05am
there is a pool outside of town
that people only
they call it
the drowning pool
and warn their children:
beware the pond
with its lilies and its frogs
it seems enchanted
in the most marvellous way
but many a child has
gone away
never to return
beware of the brokenhearted
for they are the first
to be lured
the tired
the sad
the despondent
have all ended up there
so for your own sake
do not go there
i have visited
the drowning pool
when you left me
and pondered the atmosphere there
it was heavy and hot and humid
cloying with a strange sweet scent
the vines on the trees touched the water
as a snake slowly lowered itself
and flicked its tongue
to lick the water
and survey the surface
for prey
we made love near the
drowning pool
in the abandoned mansion there
you told me you would love me forever
and never would i have a care
then you disappeared
without a word
slipped from one world to the next
and i was left
loving a ghost
a ghost that still felt wet
i have not forgotten
the pleasure palace that we made
inside that place in woods
how our imagination alone
a sumptuous palace of our own
my ring now lies
in the drowning pool
at the bottom
where no person has seen
i threw it there
instead of me
because i wanted
not to care
i stand mesmerized
by the sound of cicadas
as i stare at my own face
it looks back at me
as if to say
come here
and find your place
my place
what place?
where Ophelia drowned
there is still room
the water says
for another one
i shake my head
and turn away
when suddenly i feel
the serpent climbing
up my leg
and your embrace of steel.
Strange Creature
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Joined 16th April 2013
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Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 1:11am
Violent Release
Loving twisted, altruistic,
Feel her throat beneath my palm!
Hot and sweaty,
blueing skin,
feel her breathing slow as I stick it in!
Sliding lust, violent fornication,
hard to hear the scream underneath my fingers.
Pulse is slowing, all but knowing,
this could be the last she has.
Deep and stroking, violent release.
juices flowing, all but done,
I may just let this one go home!
As she thanks me for delivering her delight,
the Monkey fades, all is right..
Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
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Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 1:40am
- An Alien Angel -
Based on true events from my life…
Near the Red Sea lies a desolation of sand…
Existing since before the early memory of man.
Within, lay an oasis of indescribable delights…
Created long ago, in a span of starless nights.
In the oasis lay ruins from an age before time,
Where an idol stood, so serene and sublime!
A goddess, carved in stone as red as blood…
With two owls, as survived the ancient Flood.
She held an ankh in one of her slender hands,
Her name was Lilith; she ruled the wild lands.
Today, her monument can no longer be found,
The oasis dried up leaving naught thus around.
But she, to whom that place was of old home,
Still, upon the wings of night is want to roam!
When I was sixteen, one cold autumn evening,
She came into my room, black eyes gleaming.
Her skin was pale as whitest bleached bone…
When through an open window she had flown,
To sit at the edge of the bed as I lay reading…
Staring at me with a gaze that held a meaning.
Her black hair tumbled down to her two feet…
I felt an ancient bond, when our eyes did meet.
Her raven wings enfolded me, so feathery soft,
As black as a raven’s, perched high in its’ loft.
I dropped my book and reached out my arms,
Surrendering, unto my vampire lover’s charms.
My first love, as she was the first woman made,
Before Adam cast her into the unwanted shade.
Into my arms, by those sands of the Red Sea…
Of old we made love, my dearest Lilith and me.
She was one of the few, who knew my name…
From when I was an angel with a soul of flame!
Oh, to think that some call her a devil’s whore!
My mother had seen her several nights before…
When my mother and I were a-walking in town.
At the time I did not see Lilith, so I did frown…
When my mother tried to describe an alien face!
She likened it to some woman from outer space.
Pale as the moon, with large pure black eyes…
So like a visitor from beyond those starry skies,
Which now rose outside my window that eve…
When Lilith came to claim me and did not leave.
An alien angel did lie with me in my own bed…
I was awake and alive in the arms of the undead.
And before the third hour past midnight’s chime,
She flew out the window, to some distant clime.
I spoke not a word to my family or to friends…
Of: how I gave in, to a demonic lady’s demands.
She did awaken something that slumbered long…
Within my soul, and she awakened it with a song.
She sang it low, so only I could hear the words…
Then I understood, enjoying all her alien comforts!
Lilith, who knew even the name of God, long lost,
And the secrets of Kobol, that did so dearly cost.
I: who walked on Mars when human life it bore…
Before the destruction of a planet between itself,
And Jupiter, sent asteroids that so savagely tore…
The atmosphere of the red planet, from its’ shelf.
The same rocky pieces that ended dinosaurs here,
On the Earth of another age I saw as crystal clear.
That year, she and another did open far my sight,
And though I walked in darkness, there was light!
Lilith had guided me along a path that I walk still,
I still think of her when the autumn air grows chill.
Look into the darkness! You will see my face, looking back into your eyes. All shall love me, and despair.
Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
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Joined 15th Sep 2011
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Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 1:42am
- An Erotica of Eden -
There is no need to fear the flame, so embrace me as I desire!
Cast aside thy skirts and finery, that I may view thy nakedness.
Is such love a metaphor for the spirit revealed by a divine fire?
Then let us love like the gods: run thy hands across my dress…
And find delight between my thighs, as I ready myself for thee.
Let us dip our feet into the waters that wait to caress them soft,
The waters of passion, which lap and lick to set the spirit free…
Only for the heat of the moment to carry us ever so madly aloft!
Such is the moistness of a stolen kiss, from lips willing and wet.
My tongue laps against thy mouth, my teeth biting so playfully…
As we tumble at the foot of the Forbidden Tree without regret.
The sanctity of Eden’s gardens are remade by us, so blessedly,
So that God might be moved to blush by the fierceness of lust!
Thou dost divest me of my garments, as if opening a sweet gift.
I raise my rear, and into me I feel the pushing of thy first thrust,
Making me cry for wanting you bad, until naught to want is left.
In and out of me I feel thee throbbing hard and wet in thy sport,
One hand around my waist, the other reaching for my member!
I am pinioned, between two pleasures, as I beg three for more.
Thou hast me in thy power: and my love, thou shall remember!
Thrusting, grasping, in and out, and up and down, without end.
I moan for thee like a harlot and angels weep at what is done…
The roots of the tree that was blessed, our coupling does rend.
As thou dost climax, within me, the gardens burn like the sun…
Whilst thou hast caused my seed, to fall upon Eden’s carpeting.
Our flesh pours out its’ ecstasies like wine upon a sacred altar!
And Eden dies, as our sweat coats our bodies, ever glistening.
This is not the end of our love’s play, for we dare not so falter!
I lie upon my stomach, and thou dost fetch thy flagon of wine…
Pouring the blood-like nectar upon my skin, from neck to rear.
Thy lips lick it from me, but the pleasure is just as much mine…
For thy soul is entrapped by its’ thirst for me, drawing so near,
Unto damnation, and yet thou dost smile as if going to Paradise!
Through love thou art fallen, and we shall rise together in dawn.
I am thy addiction, I am thy craving, and I am thy favorite vice!
Thou are my lover, thou art the flame, which is unto me drawn.
Thy hands squeeze my buttocks, and I giggle like a mad child…
I turn unto my back, as I find myself grown hard and wet anew.
Take me again my darling, and in the taking be never too mild!
We have entire universes to defile, our madness to thusly ensue.
How many gardens were blighted by the power of our hunger?
I am the god and goddess of thy apostasy, thy angel and devil.
Pour thy wine, my Bacchus, and let Olympus rain its’ thunder!
We shall humble the gods, and cause them to worship our evil.
Let love be their downfall, let them rue the hour of my exiling…
As thy lips caress my hardness, licking and sucking with fervor!
Thy fingers do assist thee in these ministrations until I am smiling.
I rake my nails across thy body, marking thee as mine forever…
Thou dost not wince, even when I climax into thy tender mouth!
With this act completed we have nearly sealed the demon pact.
I dip my index finger into some of the wine flowing thus down…
From where it spilled from my flesh; and before thou can react,
I trace three sixes, upon thy lovely forehead, with my left hand.
Thou are forced to kneel before me, as I don again my clothes,
Whilst behind us there is no longer an Eden, only a wasteland…
Echoing with the cries of our love, wherever the wind so blows.
Come with me, my love, for we have other worlds to despoil…
And I have others gods and goddesses, to seduce to my cause!
Thou hast made love to a serpent, and felt that serpent’s coil…
Now thou art one thyself, entrapped by desire’s crimson claws.
Look into the darkness! You will see my face, looking back into your eyes. All shall love me, and despair.
Guardian of Shadows
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Joined 25th August 2011
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Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 2:23am
Scrambled beams of moonlight
tortured lights on faces
with unbridled lustful delight
thirst hunger for pleasures
utmost unreachable desires
impossibility in wants
darkness reigned
Engorged tool,
a straight hard pole
rubbed and stroked to glistening
all ready
to ram the door
of pleasure, moist and slippery
mewls, moans, breathy screams
grabbed, groped, prodded
screamed invitations
Bucking to meet
the thunder of lusts
as hands tighten on the channels
where breathy screamy lusty
urging emanate...
pulsing, plunging
in and out
pleasure pole
plunged and plunged
in joyous abandon
Screams at last, the werewolf
in an agony of exquisite ecstasy
seeding the willing furrows
still and silent now
all desires and wants reached...
Laying supine on the cold floor
silk scarves on her ankles
bracelets her wrists...
silky love chain around her neck,
ecstasy in her eyes
blood on her lips
she breathes
no more
Ephesians 2:8-9 :For by grace are ye saved through faith not of works lest any man should boast.
Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 2:30am
Goddess of the Night and Quill
Muse, grant me voice...
I sing of a goddess, divine in quilled art
Whose words could woo the devil's black heart
From clouds, they say
She came with a storm
Whispering yearning melodies away
To caress her beloved and dearly-missed dawn
Evening claws pierced the fragile air
Painted a blue and sickening fair
She was the lady of the starry night
Who danced with angels, seeking her plight
Her voice was reason, shadowing beliefs
In ten hundred tounges she bled her calligraphy
A judge of fates for souls intertwined
She granted lovers art of patterned serpentine
Roses rush their bloom for her sensual consent
And vines rape their grapes until wine relents
With such devotion does the earth receive her
For who is she, but divine like Demeter
Lavished and dined on adoration
Her bountiful knowledge granted exception
When I came to her, fearing death
For what man would dare crave a goddess' hot breath?
"You stir at night for want of me"
She told me in lures telepathically
"And I long for your passion to ignite"
She caught me off guard and took to flight
I followed her lingering sweet-scented lust
As if she knew it so and beckoned me thus
Through rain and snow I persevered
To reach the red trail of her vaginal tears
O, muse, grant me fortune...
The goddess of the night and quill
She slumbered till midnight on crimson silk
I entered her castle, fortified by centuries of winter tears
And her eyes shot open revealed
She knew I was near...
D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
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Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 4:10pm
Your Death: My Death
[Invalid Image]
Your sharp tongues sliced through my heart
Numbed my senses and paralyzed my body
They deafened my ears until they bleed
If tongues could kill, I would be dead by now
I stared back at you with flaming eyes
They melted your tongues until they burned
Engulfed your whole body back to ashes
If eyes could kill, you would be dead by now
The deafening silence that ensued was eerie
The moon that was watching us left in a hurry
Nothing moved not even our shadows
If silence could kill, we would be dead by now
Dark as the night without the moon
What could be darker than LOVE
But love itself... without you
I prefer to die than lose you forever
Death comes in many forms sometimes uninvited
Leaves a trail of woes and a rainful of tears
Only death for sure could kill us both
For your death is my death and nothing more
IMAGINATION sets the goals...ENGINEERING achieves them. Blend them well and they become my POETRY!
Black Raven
Thought Provoker
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Joined 10th April 2013
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Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 4:31pm
this is a good piece good job
Love is a wonderful lie but a cursed truth
Black Raven
Thought Provoker
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Joined 10th April 2013
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Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 4:31pm
thanks for a great poem
Love is a wonderful lie but a cursed truth
Thought Provoker
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Joined 6th Dec 2012
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Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 4:36pm
I love this Idea, I shall be back!
Look into my eyes and you decide if I'm a human being. My soul was ripped from me.
Black Raven
Thought Provoker
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Joined 10th April 2013
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Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 17th April 2013 4:39pm
okay good luck
Love is a wonderful lie but a cursed truth
Fire of Insight
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Joined 12th Dec 2012
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Re: Dark Love
Posted on: 18th April 2013 1:35am
I met her in the graveyard.
Sleeping in a tree.
Eyes electric blue light.
As cynical as me.
Scars upon her pale skin.
Forming poetry.
Hold me,please don't touch me.
We'll make each other bleed.
What is this feeling that becomes?
Seeing it's impossible to love...
Gothinia has brought to life my heart.
Though to do so...
She tore the rest of me apart.
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Dark Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Dark Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Dark Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Dark Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Dark Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Dark Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Dark Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Dark Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Dark Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Dark Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
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