Funny Love Poetry Biography
The name's Ike.
Some a ya might a met me before,
in my very first write,
and knew me as the stalker with the walker.
"Retired Romance" was the name,
Spoke about meetin' my wife,
She's here with me, name is Jane.
I likes ta call her the Mrs.,
cause I never thought that would happen again.
Now she like ta near smother me with kisses,
but gives me room ta write now and then.
We had us one of them honeymoons,
she says it ain't over yet.
But dang, if'n it ain't over soon,
we'll have ta call me in a vet!
Ennyways, I wanted ta give y'all a heads up
that I'll be a writin' from time to time .
We'd like ta thank y'all for the nice thumbs up,
'bout our first little Retired Romance rhyme,
and let y'all know that me and the Mrs. .. well..
. ..we doin' just fine !
. "Nite nite darlin."
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Basements Basements
This is just for fun..=)
In the basement of my heart
there is a basement
and in that basement there are two basements.
You open one
and enter the basement
only to find out there is yet another basement
That basements basement
was light and blue
But that basements basement
was black
from basement to basement you walked
until you couldn't anymore
The basements basements
basements basements basements
basements basements basements basement
of my heart.
You found my love...
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A poem for YOU
In this world of Uncertainties
I’m the man that you can trust
And in my words of sincerity
That my love would never last.
And if you could only feel, what i feel for you
You can ask me “why?” so you can see the truth
Like our love that tightens the rope,
Like a light that would give us hope.
As you watch the dark skies
Let me grab the moon for you,
And as I catch the bright stars
That’s the way you can see me through
As this planet turns as it always will
And things go wrong and you don’t know what to feel
Hold my hand for it will make us strong
Like a wind, we will carry on
The wind blow that sings a hymn for you
For they know what does love means for the two
Love is blind, and not deaf
So how’s success if you’re not ready to bet?
In this poem with full of rhymes,
A full of love, Babe can you be mine?
I don’t expect too much from you
Why should I? If you complete my whole.
“Till death do us part” that’s what they have said
But why do struggles crash them ahead?
Don’t ask me when my love will last,
To count all of our quarrels, is that a must?
Now and Forever is all that I promise
No day dreaming and without reminiscence
As the matter of time, as the time passes by
Together we stand, together you and I
A poem for my Girlfriend for our anniversary :)
pls comment and rate... you are free to judge and criticize my work :) God Bless
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The 70's
Back in those heavy times when everything was so far out
Our words were but a whisper, the mans were but a shout
Flower power was spreading, and everything was out of sight
Preaching peace through out the days, and gettin our groove on into the night
But we were always gettin hassled, by the fuzz, the man, the pigs
They didn't want us smokin doobies, and flashin peace signs, can ya dig?
Then peace and love had flourished, we needed to get funky and do our thing
We needed a place to get our groove on, so the discos were the scene
The threads we wore back then were styling, some were off the hook!
It's hard to believe with the slim bread we made, we could carry that funky look?
Bellbottoms, platform shoes, and jump suits people were a cravin
Boogieing away the nights in the discos, where the lights were just a blazin
Then the foxy chicks started getting pregoed, and the discos no longer Dyno-mite!
Men needed to start makin more bread, and trying to live the family life
But gigs weren't easy to find, and life became somewhat of a drag
Some of the dudes skipped town, leaving the foxy mamas holding the bag
Well thats the skinny of the seventies, the lowdown of peoples ways
So keep on truckin all you cool cats and foxy mamas
And remember all those ~Freaky, ~Far Out, ~Out Of Sight days
Dan Kearley:1-21-12
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Poetry Destryer Vs Gareth James (round 3)
For who is this poetry destroyer
A cop, but who else would employ her?
As she spies no end
No poet, she pretends
Vanilla ice in leopard skin fur.
You ask If I want mommies hug
wouldn’t that be nice, lovely and snug
You just want to hold me
Under that great oak tree
And kiss me on your picnic rug
You want the vultures to enjoy
My sweet flesh, is that your ploy?
Wanting to be them
Eyeing up my sweet gem
Tell the truth, you just want a toy boy
Well our future together would be bright
Injets, pens and cartridges in sight
You’d color me in
Goodness what a sin
As I would always do the best write
Hang up your gloves as your are weak
You are also classed as an antique
A low blow I know
Don’t cry, don’t go
You can come back with a new technique.
If I don’t hear from the poetry cop
I will know I have come out on top
Good bye little girl
Give us one more twirl
Now, this should be the final full stop (.)!
P.D, this is the first one ive done. Took me a while. Very good fun though. I kind of limit’s
the write.
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Anniversary Card
I splashed out on this greetings card,
It cost me 50p,
I thought that you were worth it,
For putting up with me.
But yours, I know, will cost far more,
(Perhaps a quid or two),
But that’s because I’m worth far more,
For putting up with you.
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Driving My Kids Crazy
Driving my kids crazy
Every day and night
Because my mind is hazy
Nothing comes out right
Still, I keep on teaching
The foggy lessons in my head
At the end of all my preaching
There's but one thing said
"I know what you are saying...
You said that yesterday."
In their heads their praying
I will go away
Still, they do consult me
When they are truly stuck
But, if I get to wordy
They'll be out of luck
The message will start hazing
From their doe-eyed sight
This act starts with a glazing
Of eyes and face and light
I see their minds have left me
They are waiting out their time
And if, they ignore me
It is a small crime
I know my kids all love me
And I feel just the same
Still I hope they'd all agree
In this there's no blame
And so I may keep yapping
Each and every day
But If disaster's tapping
I'll be on the way
I just want to guide my kids
Not drive them away
As I watch them roll those lids
I see the end of day
Okay, I'll be quiet now
No more torture, pain, or strife
And if, you'll just show me how
I'll go e-mail my wife
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Nothing But the Truth
Tell me I am pretty and sexy and hot
Tell me you like everything that I’ve got
Say that my clothes fit me just right
Even if some things are a little too tight
Laugh at my jokes even if they are dumb
Massage my neck ’til your fingers go numb
Don’t get mad becaue I make more money
Do the dishes, vacuum, and call me honey
Respect me for my intelligent mind
Treat all my friends friendly and kind
Tell me that I cook better than mother
Say that you’ll never love any other
Kiss me goodnight and good morning
Make love to me without any warning
Call me at work just to hear my voice
Say that being with me is your first choice
Watch chick flicks during a football game
Give me a sweet little sexy pet name
Tell me my lovely face is all you see
But darling, don’t you ever lie to me
Funny Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Funny Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Funny Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Funny Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Funny Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Funny Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Funny Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Funny Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images

Funny Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Funny Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
Funny Love Poetry Love Poetry In Urdu Romantic 2 Lines For Wife By Allama Iqbal SMS Pics By Faraz 2014 Images
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